"Restful Rain in New Zealand" transports viewers on a multi-sensory immersion into the world famous Milford Sound during a cool, gentle summer rain. Filmed in 4K ultra high definition video and stereo audio, the film presents a dazzling level of detail and resolution which offers a level of quality never seen before in this type of ambient film from Milford Sound. The audio includes an ultra-soothing mix of gentle birdsong, distant waterfalls/rivers and falling gentle rain.
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Above the Spanish Isles (Chillout Mus...
[Full Description coming soon] The first of a new series of collaborations between cinematographer Stefan Zimmerman and David Huting, "Above the Spanish Islands" sweeps viewers on an inspirational, beauty-filled aerial voyage over the wonders of Mallorca & The Canary Islands - synchronized to som...
Mountains of Majesty (+ Music) 4K Dyn...
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Treasures of the Ocean - 12H, 4K
Prepare your senses for the ultimate ocean lover's escape: 12 unique hours of exploring the treasures of the deep blue Caribbean ocean. Paired to new and fan-favorite music by Relax Moods, it is a truly magical underwater experience which thanks to no loops, makes for the perfect all-day or all-n...
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