A sequel to the hit "Turtle Paradise" this Part 2 film immerses viewers on a 2 hour long sea turtle filled underwater relaxation experience complete with brand new music by Relax Moods. The spectacular footage was filmed by underwater cinematographers Tilo & Yvonne Kühnast, and features an impeccable 8K resolution for maximum immersion thanks to the Sony Alpha 1.
Snowbirds 2 Hour Nature Relaxation Fi...
A perfect video for bird lovers and just anyone wanting to bring the sounds & sights of a beautiful backyard into their environment, "Snowbirds" offers 2 full hours of wintery backyard birds filmed in ultra high definition. It was filmed in Iowa as well as Washington State. Various birds as w...
Shark Paradise (8 Hour Version)
Leave your worries from the world above behind and dive into a vibrant undersea world inhabited by the iconic sharks, for 8 full hours of Nature Relaxation. Captured by filmmaker collaborator Peter Schneider, Shark Paradise features hundreds of unique real-time scenes captured from around the wor...
Treasures of the Ocean - 12H, 4K
Prepare your senses for the ultimate ocean lover's escape: 12 unique hours of exploring the treasures of the deep blue Caribbean ocean. Paired to new and fan-favorite music by Relax Moods, it is a truly magical underwater experience which thanks to no loops, makes for the perfect all-day or all-n...
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