Take a few minutes and let your thoughts, concerns and worries return to the sea, allowing you to completely relax to the soothing sights of a cool yet golden sunset as seen from San Francisco's Baker Beach. The incredibly relaxing song is called "Lily White" by Travis Revell.
Redwood Forest Rain 1 HR Static Natur...
Turn your TV into a rejuvenating, refreshing window to Nature with this 1 hour loop of falling rain, filmed in Mount Rainier National Park.
Old Glory Flying 1 Hour 4K Static Nat...
This soothing 1-hour long fixed-angle film features a beautiful American flag flying gloriously in the wind as seen from the beautiful city of Avalon, on Catalina Island in Southern California. Filmed with a drone, it offers a unique perspective of Old Glory with a beautiful backdrop of boats, sn...
Living Landscapes 4HRs of Static Pure...
"Living Landscapes" is a 4-hour long, flowing Nature Relaxation™ video containing 12 different gorgeous static nature scenes from around the world. Art meets function with this video designed to add an beauty & style to any room, while at the same time providing the benefits which stem from havin...
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